Each new school year, many families struggle to provide their children with the necessary school supplies. This can disadvantage those children, both socially and academically, from the start. Hands On has always believed that children should only have to worry about coming to school and learning—not having to worry about anything more.
Since 2007, with the help and support of our local businesses and community members, our School Supply Drive has allowed more than 9,700 students to walk into their first day of school fully prepared. Because of our ability to buy supplies in bulk, that translates to over $572,000 in school supplies donated over the past six years!
Last year we set our sights on #2000students and with our community’s support we blew past and were able to send 2,283 students into a brand new school year ready to succeed. Your contribution not only helps alleviate economic stress on low-income families, it helps ensure that each student has an equal opportunity at success!
This year as in past years, McGuire Wood & Bissette placed a collection box in the lobby of the Firm. It’s a pretty big box, over 3 feet tall by 20 inches wide. Cowabunga!! We filled that box to the brim! it’s overflowing with pencils, crayons, loose leaf paper, notebooks, colored pencils, erasers, glue and so much more. Thank you everyone at the Firm for giving your time and donations. This is impressive. In addition, the Firm donated 24 backpacks for kids who don’t have one or have one that is threadbare and should be replaced.

By contributing the necessary supplies our students need to succeed, we’re investing in the future of our community. Together we are stronger. United, we make a difference. If you want more information about Backpack to the Future and to see how to get involved, follow the link to United Way’s Hands on Asheville-Buncombe County!