
We invite you to explore our newsfeed. In it you will find articles written on various aspects of the law, upcoming events and opportunities, news about the Firm, commentary on current events, spotlight articles on members of the Firm, and so much more.

United Way of Ashevill and Buncombe County

MWB Participates in United Way’s “Backpack to the Future” School Supply Drive

Each new school year, many families struggle to provide their children with the necessary school supplies. This can disadvantage those children, both socially and academically, from the start. Hands On has always believed that children should only have to...

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MWB Attorney John Fleming March Madness Winner

Attorney Spotlight Part 8: John Fleming

From time to time this newsfeed will include a closer look at our attorneys. The posts will be on topics not necessarily about the law but about what is personally important to our attorneys outside the office. This is the eighth installment of our...

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