Kathleen Rodberg

Attorney Spotlight Part 10: Kathleen Rodberg

From time to time this newsfeed will include a closer look at our attorneys. The posts will be on topics not necessarily about the law, but about what is personally important to our attorneys outside the office. This is the tenth installment of our attorney...

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Elder Abuse—Know the Warning Signs

As I checked the news this morning, one particular story caught my eye—a “manager” and “caregiver” for Stan Lee (the famous Marvel comic book writer, editor, and publisher) was arrested for filing a false police report.  This arrest follows a...

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Medicaid Mythbuster #2: Only “State” Facilities Accept Medicaid

Our first Medicaid Mythbuster post addressed the myth that the state of North Carolina will take your home if you apply for long-term care Medicaid in a skilled nursing facility.  If you didn’t have a chance to read that article, you can find it here:...

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